When you purchase at TA you not only get the best selection, great service, and TA’s low price guarantee, you also will be automatically registered to get access to our NEW Loyalty Rewards Program when you make a purchase of $100 or more!
For every qualifying purchase you make in any of our stores or on our main website, you will earn a Loyalty Reward based on your cart value to use on any future purchases on our NEW TA Gourmet website! Each reward is valid for 1 year from the date of your earning purchase, and can be used as many times as you wish during that time!
Spend $100 - $999 (pre-tax)* in store or at www.taappliance.com
Earn: 5% off your future TA Gourmet Purchases
Spend $1000 - $4999 (pre-tax)* in store or at www.taappliance.com
Earn: 10% off your future TA Gourmet Purchases
Spend $5000+ (pre-tax)* in store or at www.taappliance.com
Earn: 15% off your future TA Gourmet Purchases
After your earning purchase, we will send you an email with instructions on creating your Loyalty Rewards account. Then you’re just clicks away from enhancing your indoor and outdoor kitchen with a wide selection of gourmet products!
Check out the selection now at www.tagourmet.ca!
Shop the TA Gourmet Website*Only purchases made at www.tappliance.com & in any TA store of $100 (pre-tax) earn a reward. Rewards are valid for 1 year from original date of purchase, and can only be used on the www.tagourmet.ca site. Accounts are linked to your email address based on the email address used on the earning purchase.